Jessica Holmes-Stanley

Forum Committee member โ€“ Community services

Lead Advanced Clinical Practitioner โ€“ Community
Non-medical prescribing Lead โ€“ Community
Service Lead for Enhanced Health to Care Homes team
Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust

I have worked for Community services at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
since 2011 after completing my BSc Hons Nursing RN at Birmingham City
University. I was originally a community staff nurse and then became a
clinical sister to work on the newly formed Enhanced Health to Care Homes
model (EHCH). This role incorporated the proactive measures as well as
physical examination to ensure people could remain well, at home, for
longer. To further my professional and personal development I began the
Advanced Clinical Practice MSc course within the first cohort at University
of Birmingham, qualifying in 2018. During that year, I became service lead
for the EHCH team as well as the NMP Lead for community services. In
2020, this team began to expand from 3 members of staff to 17 in 2023. In
2023, I became Lead ACP for community services in Walsall whilst
continuing the other roles I had established myself within. I am proud of
the work ACPs do in community, they are autonomous practitioners
without constant doctor support, pharmacists being on hand and expensive
diagnostics whilst leading and managing services. ACPs work in peopleโ€™s
own homes, care and nursing homes, at the front door of the ED and in
palliative care.
I have set up monthly ACP peer support groups and a research/journal
club. My passion is community care, identifying where people want to be
cared for and fulfilling these wishes. I am here to โ€˜fly the flagโ€™ for
community services who all too often get forgotten about.

My vision for ACPs is that they are able to work in many different roles
across primary, community and acute care. They should be the beacons for
practice and given the time, support and personal and professional
development to meet all of the 4 pillars of advanced practice and evidence
this well. As care is moved closer to home, ACPs in community services are
an integral cog in the whole health economy and the NHS long term plan.

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